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♥darlings,dearies,qing ai de(s)

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    MY LOVES♥♥♥

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    Saturday, October 31, 2009 - 11:58 PM

    another saturday, actually planned to do my revision and stuffs but daddy asked if i wanna visit my grandpa, so i went with him.

    Grandpa's condition is not improving. He had already convert to a christian.

    anyway, i went for dental this morning, and my braces are BLUE now! wee~ nice colour!:))

    tmr- pulau UBIN! yeahh! :))

    *dear, get well soon! :))♥♥♥


    Thursday, October 22, 2009 - 11:10 AM


    Tuesday, October 20, 2009 - 9:12 PM
    school reopens

    school reopen- sad. my holidays! Time flies.

    first day of school wasn't that bad. having lesson at 8am for OPC was totally dread and there is a lab work for us to do. =.-"' Followed by 4 hrs of break!!!!!!! And had WSS class at 2pm to 5pm. During the break, at loeast i got to see clark, kaiyang, shawn they all! :)) hehe

    second day of school was awesome becasue we end super early like 12noon! hehe. 3 hrs of lesson only. total shiok-ness! i accompanied sushan to mde office because she had a meeting. After her meeting, we went to canteen 4 and i asked dear to come (halfway of his lesson) to meet me. hehe. At least i get to see him for like 5 mins, its better than nothing! Went to meet melissa afterwards and sushan went home. Mel and i went to holland village to get the necessities for the chocolate making. we bought new chocolate moulds! hehe. Then went to mel's house to get chocolates, and off we went to sheng siong which is near my house and walked home from there. we slacked first before we make our chocolates. She left at 7.

    A great day! ;))



    Thursday, October 15, 2009 - 10:48 PM
    NP regatta' 09

    TODAY, MDE shown the others how united we are! hehe. We got in first runner up for dragon boat regatta. GOOD JOB MDE peeps! :)) hehe

    after that, with the same old peeps in our group walked to suntec city to have our dinner. Most of us are famished after using so much strength to row the boat. We decided to have fish and co. wee~ first time trying the best fish and chips in town. However, i still think that swordfish collar is better! hehe:)) After having our dinner, kaiyang went to buy yami yoghurt then we walked around suntec. Then off we went to marvelous cream at citilink! hehe. then home sweet home! :))

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009 - 11:15 PM
    Haeundae: The deadly Tsunami

    Today was a awesome day, seriously. I met up with rebecca, melissa and pei mun to watch haeundae: the deadly tsunami. After the movie started for a while, pei yi came and sat in front of us, shocking- because she don wanna watch it.

    It is a very nice movie, please watch! you will definitely cry. Its damn touching. However, it is a tragic movie. omg. looking at how people die and suffer! oh man!

    The lifeguard is damn handsome and cute as well as brave. He scarificed himself for a bastard! omg! damn brave! wee~~

    watch it~~ hehe

    After the movie, we went to the cathay for Aston, however, the queue was damn long and the average waiting time is 45 mins! oh man! so we decided either kenny rogers or Jack's Place. Thus, we went to Great World City and we decided on Jack's Place! hehe! ok. too much beef stuffs, so no choice i chose a seafood in a basket and its all fried. OH MAN! so sick of eating fried stuffs now. I cant finished it and the rest they helped me! ;))hehe. Then soon, all of us went home!:))


    Friday, October 9, 2009 - 9:35 PM
    1st month anniversary

    Today was damn awesome, met dear at my house nearby supermarket to get all the groceries needed. Dear cooked own-made tomato sauce pasta, salmon and potato wedges for the both of us! wee~! Its nice~~~ THANKS DEAR! :)) After that, we went to plaza sing to make the couple rings that we planned beforehand. muhahaha, his ring is in black and silver and mine in pink and silver. Veyr cool pair of rings! :)) Dear will collect it 4 days later~~~ After that, we went to the cathay to get my new silver/grey havaianas fit scandals. wee~~ i love it! We went for a walk at clarke quay for about an hour and we decided to go home.



    "To love and win is the best thing. To love and lose, the next best."
    ~William Makepeace Thackeray

    "Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness."
    ~Oliver Wendell Holmes


    Wednesday, October 7, 2009 - 10:45 PM
    my sweet dear♥ ♥ ♥

    hahaha, weee~~~
    know why i am that happy?
    go see my dear's blog! muhahhaa.
    it's more of touched.
    thank you for putting so much efforts! :))

    thanks dear, i love you many many! :))
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥



    Monday, October 5, 2009 - 10:20 AM
    clark's celebration

    ytd we met up to celebrate clark's birthday. Firstly, we met at orchard station at 1 plus (supposingly 1 but all late). We did all the wishes writing for the cards. Then when he arrived, some went to met him then the rest of us continue to do the cards. Once we are done, we called them to come over while we lit up the cake and we sang birthday song at mrt station, haha, he looked so paiseh! muhahaha. After which, we went to taka to get some food and snacks to bring over to the family ktv. I saw rebecca, shin yee and melissa! they were at tampopo! haha. Once we are done with buying of food, we headed to the family ktv. It was supposingly 3 hours only but we sang for 5 hours plus 6 hours and no one came to inform us that time is up! hahaha. cool right and it is cheaper than kbox! muahha. so much fun!

    dear, i love you many many! :))♥♥♥♥♥♥


    Sunday, October 4, 2009 - 11:40 AM
    mooncake festival

    hahaha, ytd was mooncake festival, and we were back to kids playing lantern, fire crackers and candles. wee~~ first time with Pinata peeps. Its was damn fun, the guys trying to make rockets but it wasnt that sucessful. Clark's and jiaming's can jump a bit then die!muhahaha. manjing and i were joking, we wanna burnt aaron's bush! muhahahahha :))

    later we will be going orchard again! to celebrate clark's birthday!


    Friday, October 2, 2009 - 5:13 PM
    5D4N @Pahang, Jeram Besu

    hello, back from my adventure camp already. We reached Singapore ytd at 10 plus, Hiwever, few of us went to KAP mac overnight. Overall, i think the camp is damn awesome! I enjoyed alot, there is no regrets going for this camp! Everything is worth including the cuts and bruises i got from all those activities! We did jungle trekking, night walk, flying fox, white water rafting, caving, abseiling, 4 wheel drive! Everything is an experience to me, first time experiencing it in the jungle~! :))
    Last day at KL shopping, its only 2.5 hours, definitely not enough for us.

    Anyways, thank you guys for concerning and taking care of me when im sick!
    Dear, thank you for taking care of me for the whole night! ilu♥♥♥