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say it out.




♥darlings,dearies,qing ai de(s)

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

  • overnight cycling

  • study mode

  • Lasting friendship

  • outings

  • simple

  • shout.


    MY LOVES♥♥♥

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    Sunday, June 28, 2009 - 11:05 PM
    early one month for Jayden

    hello guys, i had fun today with my cousins, wee~ most of my cousins went to my aunt's house because her baby's one month party-Jayden ong wei jun, it's simple, just buffet as usual. I fooled with my little cousins, had a lot of laughters seriously, they are so cute and funny. Thus, i ended up having a scratch at my thigh by my little 4 yr old cousin- anywya its ok lahh!=)) no big deal. we came home early because tmr is a MONDAY, our school reopen day and working day. Omg, im still having holiday mood! 2 weeks ain't enough for me and probably alot of people. There is one piece of good news for me, i think i am able to have a braces, i finally told my mom i want it and she agrees! wooohoo! hurray!!! i reallly love it a lot! hope to make make my braces soon! But she will talk to me tmr and we confrm everything before making an appointment. :))

    tmr school reopens, monday and tues no INV because its cancelled. hurray!! starting school at 11am to 6pm tmr, so dreadful. tmr jogging!!! wee~! i'm loving it! It will cut down my sinfulness
    because i ate fastfood this few days!heehehhee. i can't resist the temptations!:))

    i wont be attending school from 2nd june to 6th june because i'm helping out in the AYG-swimming! cool!!!! hehehehe. The event will take place full day -morning till late night, so it will be tiring but it is an experience for us to be a back-up time keeper for an event. wee~~~

    MOOD: incredibly HIGH!!!!!! awesomwe~~ :))

    Friday, June 26, 2009 - 11:53 PM
    my day.

    haha, i spent my morning sleeping because i woke up at 12 noon. I broke my record, i usually wake up very early to do things,heee, i woke up at 10 am and find it too early so continue to sleep till 12noon! then melissa called ask if i wanna meet her and rebecca. I have nothing to do hence i went to meet them. They are late, haha, i waited for 15 mins under the hot weather but there's shelter. hehe. They printed something and we headed to long john for lunch! Melissa just had her braces on! arg, so envious! i want braces too, its so cool and my teeths are really crooked. Should i put braces? my mummy asked if i want. I want but i don't dare to voice out like quite waste my mummy's money! it's $3,500! :(( Then we went to rebecca's house. We went off at 620pm, we went to mrt station, i went to meet my mom and melissa went home.hehehe!

    Tomorrow have to wake up very early because we have to report at 830am at the sports hall AVA room. Hope that i will not be late. We will be having a trial run! should be end in the afternoon i guess.

    see you guys tmr!!! nicholas tay, Gloria, stanley and lingli.
    sleep early everyone!!!!!
    i'm going to upload tat day mdes photo taking soon!!! :D

    - 11:13 PM
    sentosa outing250609

    ytd had a outing with my mentees!
    cool right?!
    little pple came but not tat bad!=))
    see what Andrew's doing??!! not climbling, hugging?!

    weijie, khairul, alger

    see the weather is soooo NICE:D

    SEE weijie!! act COOL!


    Desiree acting professional??!!

    Wilson and Desiree,

    Desiree the chao ah lian!!! hahaha

    Although i went for a few hours only,
    but i have Fun!hehehe
    They played VolleyBall,Wilson and i happily sat under the shades chatting,
    ok, i think tats the end ba!!!=))

    Monday, June 22, 2009 - 10:48 PM
    2nd meeting

    Today, we had a long hours meeeting from 10am to 530pm.(wow) I slacked a little, slept for a while bacause i was so tired after lunch! I had my favourite food today which is tom yum ramen,
    its damn nice, you guys should try - the one at makan place. weee~~

    i just finished 2 new vampires movies which my sister just bought! It's our favourite.wee~~
    she bought 4, so 2 more to go!! hehe,

    hope tmr will be able to meet up with eleanna darling, hehe, i miss her alot! If we are going out tmr, we will be going to k! the cheap type one, she just found this shop. It's like $10 for 5 hours! cheap right?! maybe gonna try this out tmr. Hope the system is acceptable!haha. Ifyou guys wants to know more about the karaoke, can take a look at the website below!

    im gonna watched the third one, so everyone, an early good night to all, although its holiday but try to slp early, if not maybe you guys will end up like me with pimples on my forehead, sad right!haix.


    Sunday, June 21, 2009 - 10:10 PM

    pple kept saying i have changed,
    ok, i gonna find out wat i've change!
    but you guys changed drastically too!
    from the day, i know you guys,
    you guys were so great,
    but now?!
    i think not anymore?! idk.

    let's talk abt happy thing!
    today stayed home whole day
    had dinner at IKEA!
    chicken wings,hot dog bread and fries!!!
    tats wat i craved for!!!=D
    then went to queensway,
    just walked one round and we went home!!!
    coool dehhhh~~~~

    tmr meeting at 10am,
    have to bring laptop:))

    sleep early tonight!!!

    Saturday, June 20, 2009 - 8:11 PM
    4 in 1

    haha, this is a 4 in 1 post,
    cos i 4 days never blogged,
    super lazy and busy!

    on wednesday,
    we having "clique" outing,
    11 people,
    we ate at far east plaza,
    an indonesian shop,
    then celebrated a bit for kaiyang,
    cos his birthday on the coming friday
    then we went to cineleisure,
    we watched ' the taking of pelham 123'
    its nice!
    most went penisula but ziyi and i went to boat quay,
    cos i wanna get some necklace thingy,
    hence she accompany me,
    i love you, ZIYI!!! you are the BEST!

    we went to sentosa.
    got sunburn!
    awwWww, OUCHH!
    we have a fun day, seriously,

    its a success!
    its quite fun!!!
    then had dinner at clementi
    had claypot rice:))
    then homed~~
    thanks all, well done!!!=DD

    it's a saturday and im rotting at home,
    i need to do the housework chores!
    but i watching a hk drama,
    i think nice sehhh!!!hehehee
    watching the 8th episode now,

    Tuesday, June 16, 2009 - 11:54 PM

    hi all,
    today is soooo tiring, ok?!
    first went school for gym and running
    i just don like running in the noon,
    i like evening,
    i like the feeling of chasing after my shadow!
    more motivated!
    noon was so hot!
    my legs are burning hot!
    hence i stop.
    had yam ice cream,
    bought it at the snack bar!
    then went to bath!
    and we went to look for the dancers!
    stayed there for the afternoon!
    haha, chatted, and watched them dance
    and also looked for him,
    jun xi thanks uhhhh, your delivery service very good!
    ahahaha, lols!!!
    went bugis after tat,
    to the village
    most wanted to get the redbull singleT!
    for sentosa outing on this thursday!
    haha. cool,
    most of us the same! but not same colour!
    had mos burger for dinner!
    and homed by 10 plus!
    super tiring!!
    i think i dozing off soon!
    night everyone!:D

    Monday, June 15, 2009 - 11:12 PM
    packed week

    haha, this week soooo packed with events,
    anyway he is also packed with camps!
    today is soo fun!
    we went to shawn's house
    for chocolate making trial prctice!
    its nice sia!
    but the mould is too big so it will be quite tired of it after a few!
    WE GOSSIPPED!hehehe
    mon(today): chocolate making trial!
    tues:gymming, running and bugis!
    wed:clique outing!
    thurs:Pinata outing @SENTOSA!
    fri:actual chocolate making session + meeting dear!
    sat:meeting BESTIES4
    hahah, packed!!!
    more tasks coming up!!!!

    Sunday, June 14, 2009 - 11:06 AM
    last training of AYG

    ytd saturday,
    was the last session for AYG
    its a on hand practice for us!
    so nervous!
    first in the morning,
    we were told to help out first,
    so ling and i helped out with the COC,
    ushering the swimmers to their positions,
    woohohooo,so nervous for the first time!
    then when the fuchun sec students came,
    they took over oour jobs,
    and we are briefed,
    and joined in with the TO,
    for the time keeping,
    so nervous,
    the 1500m is a killer,
    we have to sit there and stoned for 30 laps!!!
    then when they finishing,
    we have to go forward to the bulkhead,
    when they touched the pad,
    we have to press the button,
    and their timing will be shown!
    haha, its sooo coool right,
    its quite ps to sit there, haha, everyone will be looking at us manx,
    the in-charges zsaid tat we did a very good job!!!!
    so the next is the actual of AYG,
    which is next month!!!!=D
    today i will rotting at home!!!
    wakaka, have to complete my houseworks!!!
    tmr having a trial chocolate making at shawn's hse!!!

    Saturday, June 13, 2009 - 3:07 AM

    haha, woohohoo,
    you guess wat!
    we finally said out!
    i have made my decision!

    - 2:53 AM

    woohoohoo,its holidays!!!
    today went IKEA for dinner
    see the photos!

    kevin lame stunt!
    act cute!
    haha, like a kiddo!

    still need people to help him tie!!wakkaka


    ps uhhh???!!
    saw wat he did???

    He is damn coold so he took tat, hoping tat it would warm his palms!!!
    wakakaka LAME SHIT,
    HE'S A FOOL!
    MEEEE, hahaha,
    tooo bored,
    tmr going for ayg again!
    haha, but tmr its morning till afternoon!
    on hand practical
    to be a timekeeper!!=DD
    good news: passed my TO practical and theory,
    so im eligible to be a technical official for swimming!!!

    Thursday, June 11, 2009 - 8:59 PM

    exams over !!!!!!
    SEE ME SMILE!!!!!
    BPE exams wasnt tat bad cos its open notes!
    we already copied all the chapter notes on the mindmap alre!
    so we can answer the question fast!
    and and and....
    1.5hrs NOT ENOUGH AT ALL!
    plenty to write!
    went to sports school for the briefing
    i kept dozing off!hahaha!!!!
    super tiring, i havent been slping much this few days
    dued to tests!!!!
    haha,like the black pigs in tampopo??!!
    but tmr having test too
    60MCQs 30 mins!
    all about the rules of swimming!
    we need to pass this test
    inorder to get the cert for technical official level III
    jia you!!!!
    today was told that saturday need to help out for an event!

    Friday, June 5, 2009 - 11:51 PM
    go round and round

    today had my DT test!
    its total cuinesss!
    haha, nvmx, stop thinking abt tat
    during lesson i was watching movie!
    went to canteen 1 to look for clark they all after school,
    then larry and i went up to ourspace to find ron,junxi and eugene
    haha, eugene, as usual, super funny!
    and jun xi, omg, his dark eye rings are getting worst!!
    ron nothing la, just qian da lorr!
    at 5 we went off le for the meeting,
    today's meeting was rather fun, not tat dead!
    haha, after tat, went to the track!
    jogged 10 rounds the track for 35 mins=((
    i expected it to be 30 mins,i am behind time!
    first 2 rounds was a torture to me,
    my asthma, but i carried on jogging,
    thanks ron for helpine me carry my inhaler with you,
    i love jogging, seriously, so shiok!
    then dinner at market and then HOME SWEET HOME!
    my legs abit aching, but its alright,im used to it!
    tmr morning jogging to bukit merah(maybe)
    with my sister!hehehe
    hope can make it!
    and im going to my grandma hse stay overnight(maybe)
    w/o my mom because she has to be home on sunday's morning
    to take care of my siblings breakfast!
    jiaa you people for your cmoon test!!!!=))
    how to spend my holidays without working and im so broke?!!!
    maybe jogging

    Wednesday, June 3, 2009 - 11:25 PM
    pictures of the day

    BAD NEWS: my handphone bill exploded, $110, awwwWWww,
    sad, cos im 18, and i din know that my sms only got 500 free! lousy M1, no unlimited sms!
    i really feel like changing plan, but i just renewed my plan =(( so i have too survive with 500 smses every month??!!! its impossible for me!! arggg! my momm gonna explode tooo!!!=((

    - 11:00 PM

    had school per normal,
    morning class 8-10am was cancelled,
    because lecturer on MC,
    so my lesson is only 10-1pm,
    short and sweet 3 hours!!!!
    i hope that everyday is so short!!!
    ended at 1,
    went to meet xilin at canteen 4
    had bento set!
    then we off to look for clark and co.
    they were at a empty at 47 level 2
    we slack and do our work inside,
    then at 3 clark they went for their lesson!
    and we continue to stay in the class
    we do our own things,
    and at 4, when lingli and larry joined us
    ling li asked me to go to year 1 classes with her
    to promote mde games day!
    then back to the freezing room!!!
    aat 6 plus we went outside the gym to wait for ziyi joanne and nic tay
    so when they reached we went to the grandstand
    and at 720 we started jogging
    we ran till 8 or 8 plus!
    joanne jogged 14/15 rounds
    but i only jogged 10/11 rounds.
    i wan to run more,
    but jogging like somehow don works on me
    i still wont lose weights=((
    i think i getting fatter!
    jia you ba!!!

    we booked library room all the way from 10-8pm
    cool right,
    but i just couldnt study=(
    nothing goes into my mind!!!
    im distracted easily!!!
    jia you everyone for your common tests!
    met eleanna today!
    i missed her soooo muchhhh!!!
    and i finally get to see her!!!
    din study a single shit for both!!!
    i have to jia you for my DT, inv and bpe written!
    and im soooo feel like jogging!!!
    after exams ba!!!

    GOOD NEWS: my aunty gave birth today!!!!
    therefore, i have to stay at my grandma hse this weekend,staying over!
    because my aunty they all going back to malaysia
    hence only left grandma and maid,
    so my cousins called to ask me to stay over at my grandma hse this weekend
    to accompany so i agred because i havent been seeing my grandma so long,
    i have been so busy snce school reopen,

    Tuesday, June 2, 2009 - 2:42 PM
    delicated to my dear!

    kelly, im like miss you sooo much!
    whenever, i waiting for jas @ Np busstop
    in the morning,
    i will look at the people alighting from the bus,
    and it reminds me of you!
    i used to wait for you too,
    you have been such a great friend over the past one year
    when i have problems,
    you will help me out.
    with you,
    its like so fun!
    i miss you i miss you i miss you
    really alot!