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♥darlings,dearies,qing ai de(s)

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    MY LOVES♥♥♥

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    Friday, May 30, 2008 - 10:00 PM

    haha. today in school, so boring la dehhh

    had BIZCA test. ok . cant score well. arggg.

    having BF tutorial,

    we helping each other to massage.

    haha.no more viwawa.

    we did listen to class lorr.

    cos common test next tues.


    quite stressed up or sth,

    so went to cut my hair,

    my fringe is short already.


    so happy,

    i like the feeling after cutting hair =))

    webcam-ed with fionn. haha
    so funn=))

    wakaka=)) cool right=))wakakaka.
    she's my loved ones=))
    mood of the day: borderlinee=))

    Thursday, May 29, 2008 - 9:14 AM

    hmmm. sryy din blog ytd.
    did my hw till one plus. and im was damn tired to blog.

    ok. now, have to wait for JIA to come . dehhh.
    he's late!!! haha.
    meet to do COMT info paper.
    sianx la.
    dislikes COMT.
    so much of writing and cracking brain.

    ytd celebrated jasmine's belated birthday at Alumini clubhouse-Pines cafe.
    so fun la.
    she damn thickkk- skinnneedddd.
    she suggested everyone to fork out money to buy a cake .
    to grant her wish, we gave her a angie the choice cake box.
    only the empty box.
    no la, actually we bought the cake le before she suggested.
    we brought in her cake, everyone in the Pines cafe sang her a birthday song.


    cool dehhh....
    ok. at night, knew sth.
    thanks for telling me the truthh.
    our friendship will remains unchange,
    cos i love you too muchh.

    everything as usual,
    everyday went to school for the seek of the attendance,
    i don like to go to school,
    no point going to school when e lecturers actually din teach
    and expect us to explore ourselves.
    i don like this type of life.

    QLA tutorial, the lecturer is damn good la,
    he explained everything in detailed.
    he will joke with us!
    only in his class, i can really pay attention

    mood for ytd: good=))
    as usual, he is damn nice, waited for me to finish my hw.

    seriously, i don blame you,
    things just come naturally,


    he's wasnt here yet... arggggg!!!!.

    Tuesday, May 27, 2008 - 12:37 AM

    haha. sryy din blog for days?!
    went to dentists with sushan tdy,
    let you all see.
    so gay la.

    haha. but after her dentists aptment

    we walked to far east there to take bus home

    i took 132.

    so dropped down at oppo hss.

    went for hss investiture though its like ending.


    missed you guys lots la.

    went to tiong tgt. subway.had cookies=))


    so fun la.

    everyone is like still as gay as before.


    cool dehh.


    mood of the day:happyyyy=DDDDDDD

    thanks for telling me. im so sry if i like forced you=))

    haha. happy dehhhh=)))wakaka

    muhhaha=))must learn to take care dehh,

    jia you=)) ^_* muhahaha=))

    Friday, May 23, 2008 - 12:54 AM

    haha. today woke up late, so faster prepared and went to school by cab
    haha. don have 35%, may be its becos after 9?? haha
    i don noe.=))

    IAC lesson, like only a while tat leacture said can go home already,
    our COMT is cancelled,
    lecturer on MC=))

    haha. evonne called and asked if i can work,
    so i helped.
    and liping helped me to meet the blgshop owner to get clothes tat we ordered.
    but both waited but din get to see each other
    so we have to meet up again tml.
    =))im so sryy,thxx

    BIZCA is like damn difficult la

    i wan to slp.
    battery dying.
    nights everyone

    mood of the day: happy[can see you]=))

    Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - 11:31 PM

    ok, today is like hell.
    we had been playing ytd,kbox.
    all of us went home, rushed to study for QLA and do Astats.
    slept at 2 plus la, dehhh.
    woke up at 6.
    ok,is forced myself to wake up!!argg.

    went so early to school also no use de lorr,
    the EIS lecture also like woodblock, din teach much lorr.
    walau. might as well he make it elearningg.

    i wan my slpp.
    i have no motivations la.
    he working, cant contact.

    QLA lesson time,
    i was like completely cant tahan anymore,
    i laid on e table, 5 mins of recharging.
    and it lasts me till night!!!'

    QLA, once again, i bullshitted.
    don noe how to do .
    wakaka. try luckk.

    ok, SQUASH, nt bad la, quite fun,
    i don noe how to play so anyhow whacked.

    end le, first thing have to do was to sms him!.
    my motivation!!

    ok, energy gone.
    just charged for 15mins.


    ok. have to do hw le .
    BIZCA 2 units leii.

    - 12:23 AM

    ok.i keep wanting to sms him la.
    but hold myself back,
    but eventually i cant, so sms-ed.
    ok. he's damn nice[as usual]
    always wanting to sms him. dehhh

    wakaka. today had an another enjoyable night.
    thanks guys, =)) <333 quiz="))">
    for KBOX!!! hhaha
    we are damn high!!!!
    muhaha. damn fun.
    lots of foods la, dehhh.

    kept jumping on the sofa,
    had a mocha cake for my belated birthday at 5:59

    [the timing when sushan wanted]
    thanks guys. they paid for me too.thanks.

    we rushed our Asats assignment at 8
    all the way to 9plus, and went off.

    our energy is gone.
    haha. damn tired after e kbox thingy.

    went home, as usual bathed and everything settle down
    did my things.
    and have to study for QLA.
    tml is e test =))
    good luck to meee.

    and i had nt yet start studying on it .wakaka
    and tml will be a dread.
    8 starts lesson[makeup lesson for EIS]
    and 3 hrs of break
    and squash after lesoons=))

    ok, i going to studyyy!!!!
    byee pple=))

    Monday, May 19, 2008 - 11:27 PM

    haha. sryy din blog ytd.
    too tired to blog.

    ok, today whole day working.
    quite tired.
    kept walking.
    but it's ok,
    i can take it. wakaka'


    hmmm, tml going out with classmates,
    happy leii.hahah.cool=))

    meeting at jurong library at 10=))
    hopefully i can wake up=))

    ok, who can understand my troubles.

    but its ok,
    try to be happy .
    make myself packed with things,
    make myself laugh more,
    so tat i can forgt abt it =))


    Sunday, May 18, 2008 - 12:20 AM

    my BIG day is OVER!!
    nvmx. had an enjoyable day=))
    thanks to my dearies:
    -pei mun

    -all tampopo people=))

    had strings in the morning,
    felt so weird.
    most like professionals,
    and im like..... SHIT
    ok.everything was like so weird.
    ok. i preferred band life.
    all of e sudden, i missed my french horn, H181

    went to tampopo to pei fionn to work,
    she's sickk!! TAKE CARE MY DEAR.
    and went to look for pei mun. she's sad
    so went to take a look at her.
    it's ok, my dear.
    thanks for the brownies[shuling and peimun]

    had fish and co. at wheellock.
    seriously, it's very embarassing.
    had to stand infront of everyone,
    on a HIGH CHAIR.
    so pai sae.
    they sang birthday song for me. thanks=))
    its was really very embarassing.
    went back to seats,
    my dearies kept singing too.

    ok.nvmx. thanks lots.
    as promised.
    went to tampopo.
    waited for pm and fion to end work.
    had some beverage and sashimi
    uncle gave us 50%off.
    byright no. cos its a saturday.
    and sashimi was from all the sushi chefs for free.
    thanks lots=))

    had a great time=))
    thanks everyonee.
    i love you guys=))


    haha. and daphne deary is also sick.take care.=))

    Saturday, May 17, 2008 - 1:40 AM

    haha. happy birthday to me=))

    thanks guys, i love you all=))

    ok. start from the morning.
    went off to school with cab again today.
    damn ex. $8.90

    damn tired.
    my eyes were like swollen.
    haha. perhaps due to drinking of too much water the night before=))

    EIS lesson[ as usual]
    we were doin our own stuffs.
    playing viwawa.
    so boredd as usual.

    did casegrader4, i gt 96/100
    then free time, but i was doin my BiZCA hw.
    which was due today.
    but not yet done.

    BF tutorial.
    playing viwawa too.
    with kelly and jasmine
    we knew a guy, damn funny and gay la.

    after lesson, rushing off to meet fion at atrium
    and rushing off to work .

    mood becoming low,
    a bad news for me.
    sank my whole heart down.
    pls don ask.

    want to concentrate on work so i put it aside,
    if nt it will be a bad day at work.
    keep smiling. come'on.
    ok. i forgt totally abt it during work.

    got back home, thought of that again,
    tears unbearly drained down my cheeks.
    again.pls don ask me.
    non stop.
    had a very hard time to adjust my emotion.
    ok, i should be happy, its my day.
    BUT i just couldnt.

    anyway thx kelly and fion for consoling me =))

    ok, i have to get my sleep now,
    there's strings tml.
    nights everyone.

    Thursday, May 15, 2008 - 11:48 PM

    today was a very tiring day,
    almost falling asleep is every lesson,
    tired, i want to sleep badly,
    had only4 hours of slp,
    i really lack of sleeps.

    haha. Thursday again,
    the most boring day,
    having IS module for the whole day,
    seriously, i hate it.

    had a presentation for our IAC.
    ok, everyday was fine, we used a night to rushed out everything,
    our presentation is short and had not much detail.
    ok, it's a sad thing.

    COMT was really boring la.
    he kept talking,
    and im falling aslp.
    luckily, Eileen lent me her DS lite,
    played spot the difference.
    haha. but after playing quite some time,
    i also feel like falling asleep.

    ok, lessons ended.
    went to library to look for Kelly and Clive,
    as i promised her to go for the entrepreneur thingy,
    we played the dividends game,
    not bad, quite fun.

    then went off, cant stay for the talk,
    cos its like starting at 5 and whole thing ending at 7.
    too tired le. so went over to the library and find Sushan.
    Eleanna came over to find me at the library.
    we chatted, and went off at ard 5.
    went to clementi,and took 196 home,

    during the journey, i slept in the bus,
    i sleep with no形象la.
    damn ugly.nvmx .
    really too tired to care abt abything.

    KFC and PiZZA hut delivery.
    the hotline was damn long.]
    and i called pizza hut first cos i forgt KFC's delivery no.
    funny la, i called pizza to order and 顺便 to ask for KFC's no.
    the girl put down the phone after that. walauu.
    she din take my order, ass.
    i have to call the hotline and wait again.
    it was really damn long,
    falling asleep.
    KFC hotline was also damn long.

    im going to be worn out !!!
    tired. really need my sleeps.
    good night everyonee=))

    Wednesday, May 14, 2008 - 10:44 PM

    ok. today morning dragged myself out of bed,

    do some housework chores.

    bathed,eat yoghurt.

    gonna meet my friends at 1130am.

    but its raining damn heavily.

    but still enjoying eating my yoghurt.wakaka

    i left my house ard 11 15

    and i reach there on time!!!. haha.

    cos tdy bus damn little people, not like as usual,

    the bus is always full=))

    ok. due to the rain, we cant play basketball.sad.

    sth happen in the morning,that made our mood abit low.

    [ok, not going to mention it ]

    went to alumini clubhouse for lunch,

    the chicken chop is salty la,

    but thai style teh tarik was not bad.

    then went to OUR SPACES-game room , we played sth like snap!

    but its not.=))

    as well as stacko.

    very fun, we keep distracting each other

    so that they would make that thing fall.wakaka.

    went for lesson-QLA tutorial.

    ok. this tutorial lecture is better than e lecture one.

    his teaching is damn clear la=))

    this module is fun with this lecturer teachingg=))

    after lesson,
    have this photos taken at blk 46 there.

    this is taken at campus deli=))


    then we went to blk 18 there to play basketball

    ok,we played "ABC" and mang jiang=))


    then a guy suddenly wanna join us ,

    ok, can, we played with him,

    ok, not going to talk abt this guy again.

    his words made us pissed.

    we went to play volleyball instead,
    wahh, very pain lahh my hand.
    have to hit hard.but din really hit alot.
    cos don noe how to play,
    damn difficult to serve e ball la
    have to do IAC project which is due tml,wakaka.
    have to rushhh=))
    ok.let's get HIGH!!!!!
    have to get back to my project.=((

    Tuesday, May 13, 2008 - 2:44 PM

    haha.having BIZCA lesson NOW.
    class now damn quiet.
    at the same time, i was watching 命中注定我爱你 ep9

    ok. tml will be very sianx .
    cos we will only be having QLA tutorials for just 2 hours!
    and we have to travel here just for 2 hours!!
    and its 3-5 lorr.

    haha. anyway, i have to thanks FION deary.
    she helping me work later.
    thanks lots, my deary.
    i love you as i always do!!=))

    ytd only slpet for like 4 hours la
    but im nt tired.

    However, today i wasn't damn high.
    NO motivations by MFH. sianx.
    nvmx. gt sushan!!=))

    ok.let's talk abt the ASTATS tesy today.
    ok its difficult la.
    i don understand the questions.
    sushan and kelly.
    both sitting beside me.
    we have our own way of communicating.

    don really feel high today.
    pls, someone make me high.

    anyway, my fortuneteller,FION, really understand me alot.
    she really know how i really feel lorr.

    good newsss!!!
    next tuesday, don have to come to school. wakakak=))

    Monday, May 12, 2008 - 9:01 PM

    late for school today.
    having lesson at 9 yet woke up at 825.
    faster bath and threw everything into my bag.
    and went off to school by cab.
    dehh. ex lahh. $10 leii.
    serve me right. who ask me cant wake up.
    lesson learnt.
    rushed down and reached there abt 908.
    actually thought of skipping EIS module
    but kelly don allow. hmmm.

    had 3 hours of slacking.
    and had a break for 1 hour[as usual]
    had minced meat noodle
    omgg. its damn dry la. super 难吃!
    then another 2 hours of QLA lecture
    slacking too.
    chat with MLH*. haha.

    it had been long time since im in a high spirit=))
    haha. hmmm

    went bugis with kelly again.
    wakaka. got some chewy juniors home=))
    nicee=)) muhahaha.
    kelly bought chewy junior, popiah,炒年糕。
    haha. partly for her breakfast tml=))

    ok. im doing ASAT tutorial halfway and i came and blog.
    ok. i don even understand anything of ASAT la, LIKE TOTALLY.[sushan's ]
    and tml is the test.wakkaak
    god bless me manx.
    congrats to me, quick=))

    ok.sryy guys, have to get back to my tutorial. ohh goshhh.
    im dyinggg. that lecturer was like TOTALLY don noe how to teach la .we asked her questions and yet she need to see e ans in order to answer our question.
    or she will ask us back the question we asked her.
    sianx...did she really taught for 10 over years???

    ok.stop right here=))

    Sunday, May 11, 2008 - 11:58 PM

    haha.tdy nth special.

    went to work in the morningg.

    its damn busy la =))

    argg. walk too muchh, leg pain

    pm, fion and me as sual share secrets .muhaha.


    but after lunch and after buying stuffs at meidi-ya,

    fion went home cos she only work half day.sad=))

    i wanna go home too but cant=))


    at night, it was like busy, don even have the time to drink water for the wole night

    time past so slowly.

    after the busy period, and its only 830, hmmm

    but after tat tim, quite slack le=))

    herry and i were like crapping for the whole night=))

    we keep taking photos, but he wasnt satisfy with the photos

    but finnally, there's one=))

    ok, tdy we were like so tired la, lack of slp,
    cos ytd slept at 3plus-4 , haha.
    ok.too tired le.
    good night everyonee=))

    - 1:50 AM

    haha, ok my font size is bigger[requested by pm]

    ok. tdy is eve of mother's day.
    have dinner at suntec city for steamboat buffet.
    damn full.
    we went there very late at 830,and it closing at 10;
    last order is 930.wakaka
    with:eleanna,her mom,my mom,my sis and me=))

    i came to blog in e middle of doing my BIZCA homework
    ;which was due on fri.wakaka.
    its difficult lahh.

    next week having tests, yet im nt yet prepared.
    have been slacking recently.muhaha.



    是我想太多 你总这样说
    但你却没有 真的心疼我
    是我想太多 我也这样说


    是我想太多 你总这样说
    我是我想太多 我也这样说

    虽然你不说 都是错在我
    太晚我才懂 爱了你太多

    是我想太多 你总这样说
    我是我想太多 我也这样说


    rmb plagiarism rules=))
    stop me from slacking &spending moneyy!!=))


    Friday, May 9, 2008 - 2:29 PM

    haha.having BIZCA lesson=))
    its a slcking module,wakaka
    its all abt learning of Miscrosoft Excel

    sianx. have been spending money this week lahh.
    ok. let's save money tgt=))

    come on, school is like hell...
    everyday homeworks and projects.
    had enough of it..

    anyway, also din listen in class.^_-
    online shopping, listening to songs, blogging, and online chatting.
    my daily routinee=))
    so why come to school???



    Thursday, May 8, 2008 - 11:36 PM

    haha. sryy. ytd was really packed.
    discuss projects until 2plus 3 AM..
    haha , tired.

    ok. let's talk abt today.
    after school, met my secondary friends at bugis
    Kelly went with me too=))
    who?rebecca, shuling,peimun.
    after shopping at bugis,
    we went orchard, have hokkaido ice-cream!!!
    but kelly went home already.

    went to buy my havaianas slim[ pink] at heeren
    had a crystal stud on my havaianas =))
    cool dehhh=))

    then shuling saw the tooth jewel thingy
    which was to stick a jewel onto your tooth.wakaka*blingbling*
    one crystal plus the process costs 25 dollars=))
    expensive la=))

    she wanted to put 2 but after consideration, she decided one =))
    haha.now her tooth will always be*blingbling*
    its nice but so gay.wakaka=))

    ok, we went home tgt, took 123 =))
    on the bus, as usual, check on pei mun's inbox=))
    wakaka.reading all her smses=))

    its great to go out with you guys=))


    Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - 5:07 PM

    ok.today.practically went to school just for 3 hrs only.[cool]
    start school at 11,usually will end at 4 on tues.
    haha.However, there's no BIZCA today.wakakak

    We were like damn happy lahh=))
    actuallly, i have to meet u with my IS grp to complete our project
    [which is going to be due on this thursday.]
    However, they were sick, so don have to.[happy]
    ok,take care guys=))

    hmmm, went Queensway with Kelly,
    she wanted to buy FBT shorts, but mostly oos=((
    so next time then go again =))


    oh ya!after our lunch,while walking to BiZCA class[as we din noe tat its cancel after we reach there]=))
    we were talking abt 'yellow stuffs'
    wakaka damn funny ok..=))
    its all started with kelly, with the hotel 81 topic
    and continued on by me abt the Yellow stuffs
    jasmine added on to the topic
    and all of us was practically kept laughing =))

    kelly tooo=))


    Monday, May 5, 2008 - 11:36 PM

    haha.my first post=))

    this week is week 4.
    and i will be having tests next week.

    don really understand the modules, how to take tests??!!
    cham liao!!!


    this week test:
    -COMT[writing test]

    arggg!! wat's tat for???!!!! i don like e module!!
